About Inconnus

Technical possibilities in the care of people are increasing, not only in number but also in ingenuity. The doctor or the researcher is expected to have these techniques in house and preferably also without any problems. Logically, questions arise such as how the professional can keep up with this growth and developments and how he / she can master the new or changed intervention. Try on the next case?

Until recently, the level of the result was determined by the individual capacities of the local specialist. But the aforementioned developments mean that a choice arises within a specialism. Even before an employee specializes, chances are that the techniques he or she has learned are already adapted or out of date.

Research techniques, refinement, renewal and expansion of the possibilities to bring complicated problem cases to a good end are the order of the day.

Those involved, surviving relatives and bystanders are becoming ever more assertive and demanding. They hear something from acquaintances, see a program on television, read an article in magazines or on the internet about an improved or new technique, appropriate to their situation. Then they wonder why this technique is not or has not been applied to them. “Because I do not know it” is the most honest answer.

Why does he not control it?

No skilled professional would like to spend extra time in the already tightly allocated time and sometimes finances, to teach a colleague something. This is not conducive to the situation in question, but also means that the following projects have to wait longer. Moreover, the question arises which subject specialist knows which technique and how searching colleagues can find out. This requires a gigantic administrative device.

Anyone can imagine a similar situation with regard to forensic work, archeology, thanatopraxy, etc. Physical and mental health of those involved, historical awareness and possibly political impact are aspects that may be jeopardized by a lack of above all systematic transfer and development of expertise.

The basis of a center as mentioned above is a file of volunteers.

Volunteers who subscribe to life and well-being as future donors and thus make their bodies available for education and research that will take place under the auspices of the EAC.