
Welcome to the home page of Stichting Inconnus Donation & Education.

The website for information about body donation. For when you think about putting your body at the disposal of science after your death.

Why would you make yourself available to science?

Everyone will have her or his own thoughts about that. But that it is important and useful, may be indisputable. The 17th century scholar William Harvey said it all: “I profess both to learn and to learn anatomy.”
Almost every doctor, and certainly those from a cutting profession, will agree that knowledge of the construction of the human body is essential for the proper exercise of her or his profession. Books and digital sources are useful tools, but the body itself, and certainly the large variation between individuals, is and remains the best learning experience. Where does a medical student get her or his feeling for the 3-dimensional relationships? Where does a surgeon get experience with an operation technique? Where can a surgeon explore the boundaries of the work field without endangering a patient? Where can a new prosthesis or technique be safely tested? Right: A body donor.

Do you also think that after your death your body is valuable for medical education and science? Then you will find information elsewhere on this site to become a donor.
Do you have questions about donorship? Further on you will find an overview with questions that have already been asked and the answers to them. If your questions are not included, you will find a possibility to submit your question at the bottom of the list of questions. You will receive an answer as soon as possible and you may find your question added to the overview on your next visit.